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After Tanning Care

To make it last longer and stay even, follow the information below:

After getting your tan:

  • It is advised not to use cleansers on your face as it will strip the tanning solution.
  • Cover car seat as tan can stain them. Also, be careful that your seatbelt does not rub your skin.
  • Don’t scratch your skin before is processes.
  • Getting into a swimming pool will shorten the life of the tan.
  • Don’t apply perfume, makeup, sunscreen or moisturizer until after your second shower.
  • Toilet seats can pull the tan off of your skin, put toilet paper on the seat to avoid this.
  • Also, ammonia from urine can remove your tan, so take care.
  • If you sleep before your first shower, put a towel on your bed as solution may ruin your sheets, and we recommend wearing black loose fitting clothing to bed, but no socks.

When you have your first shower:

  • Rinse with lukewarm water, not hot, for 1 to 2 minutes, just to get the bronzer off.
  • Lightly rub your skin with bare hands in the shower.
  • Don’t scrub your skin.
  • Don’t use soap, shampoo, conditioner or moisturizer.
  • Pat dry or air dry. Do not rub with a towel.
  • It is normal for some bronzer to wash off on your first shower.
  • Your tan will continue to process after your shower

When you have your second shower:

  • If you shave use a new razor with hair conditioner to protect your skin.
  • Use mild shower gel / soap. Do not use Dove soap or scented Bath and Body works soaps.
  • Don’t scrub your skin.
  • Pat with a towel or air dry.
  • Moisturizer twice a day.
  • If you use sunscreen, ensure it is waterproof. There are spray tan friendly sunscreens listed on the web.